Principles and Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
KIRIKKALE LAW JOURNAL (KHM) follows the “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers” documents of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
For COPE’s “Core Practices” document, see.
“Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement”
- Non-Discrimination
Editorial decisions are granted regardless of the origin of the manuscript, including the authors’ nationality, ethnicity, political opinion, race or religion. Decisions to edit or publish the article cannot be determined by the policies of governments or other agencies other than the Journal itself.
- Privacy
Journal, abides by the rules on confidentiality in Turkey. It is up to the Journal to protect the confidentiality of individual information obtained during research or professional interactions. Therefore, it is almost always necessary to obtain written informed consent for publication from persons who might know themselves or be identified by others.
- Originality and Plagiarism
Manuscripts to be sent to the Journal must be the author(s) own work.
It is forbidden to use someone else’s published or unpublished work or ideas without reference (i.e. plagiarism). If plagiarism is noticed, the article is rejected; The institutions or employers of the author(s) can be informed about this.
- Dealing with Potential Abuse
The Journal takes action when there is any suspicion of misconduct in relation to both published and unpublished articles. Editors will not immediately reject articles that raise concerns about possible misconduct; however, it will follow the controversial cases within the framework of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowchart “what to do if you suspect plagiarism”. See,
<>, p. 3 and 4.
- Ownership of the Works
The Journal takes action if there is a suspicion that the list of authors is incomplete or contains authors who do not deserve it (guest or grace). Editors will follow the controversial cases within the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowchart “what to do if you suspect ghost, guest or favor authorship”. See,
<>, p. 12.
- Conflicts of Interest
The Journal takes action when there is any suspicion of conflict of interest regarding both published and unpublished articles. Editors will follow the controversial cases within the framework of the Editorial Ethics Committee’s (COPE) flowchart of “what to do if the referee suspects a hidden conflict of interest in a submitted article” and “what to do if the reader suspects a hidden conflict of interest in a published article” See,
<>, p. 11 and 14.
The Journal does not accept applications from Editors or Assistant Editors; However, applications of Kırıkkale University Law Faculty staff and members of Kırıkkale Law Journal Editors and Editorial Board are acceptable and are treated like any other application without prejudice to impartial audit.
In the case of a special issue with Guest Editor, Guest Editors can also be that special number of writers, without prejudice to the impartial audit.